The Five K's
The Five K's are the five items of clothing and physical appearance given to Sikhs by Guru Gobind Singh when he gathered together the first members of the Khalsa on Vaisakhi day back in 1699.The 5 Ks taken together symbolize that the Sikh who wears them has dedicated themselves to a life of devotion and submission to the Guru. The five Ks are: Kesh (uncut hair) Kara (a steel bracelet) Kanga (a wooden comb) Kaccha, Kachera (cotton underwear) and the Kirpan (a steel sword). They are worn by Sikhs who have been initiated into the Khalsa. Sikhs pray because they feel like it is a time when they can connect with God as someone who looks out and cares for them just as how we Catholics pray to God and or Jesus whenever we feel like we need a friend or someone to talk to in our time of need.

There are many symbols in Sikhism. There is the Ekonkar which is a Sikh symbol that represents the One Supreme Reality in the religion. "Ek" means one or united. "On" means supreme, ultimate, or highest bhrama. Bhrama is the word for God and the Atma is the Soul of the entire universe or system. And "Kar" means without shape or form. The Sikh flag is another symbol that is often seen near the entrance to the Gurdwara overlooking the whole building. Sikhs show great respect to their flag as it is, indeed, the symbol of the freedom of the Khalsa. A important symbol is Onkar. Onkar translates to English as "God is One". It is the symbol of the Unity of God and is found on all religious scriptures.

Sikh Flag
Community, Ethics and Doctrine
Sikhism developed as another path or option for Indians and eventually others around the world to follow as well. It was kind of like a mix between Hinduism and Islam. Sikhism was made for anyone to follow as long as they believed that there was a God and that everyone had access to him at anytime. This is like most religions because most religions believe that you can talk to God at anytime through prayer. Also like most religions, Sikhs believe that everyone is equal and that you live a good life through being honest and by living as a community while being a good citizen. Sikhs focus their lives around their relationship with God and they belive to live a good life a person should do good deeds as well as meditating and praying to God. Things like abortions are forbiddien as Sikhs however they have no problem with donating body parts to help those in need. Having battles/wars are only allowed if it's the last resort and the only way to solve the situation. There shall be no civilains injured at all.
My Opinion
Personally I have learned a lot about the religion Sikhism. I find that it is a great religion and full of great people and I think can honestly say that just based off of my experience at the Sikh Temple. They are kind and friendly people and I appreciate how they choose to live their life. They take time out of their day to worship God and do good deeds and they don't discriminate against other religions. They also always show respect towards others and wearing their Turban shows that. I do not think that the Sikh religion would be right for me becuase I think it's more of a harder lifestyle because they always make sure not to do anything that would be a "sin". However I would recommend this religion because I feel that it is truely a thoughtful and honest religion and it shows a good way to live your life.